Smart Cuffs Pro Generation 3 Validated Compared To Doppler Ultrasound

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We at the BFR Pros are “cuff brand agnostic,” which means we do not sell or have monetary agreements with any brands of BFR cuffs.  That being said, through years of acquiring BFR provider feedback and anecdotes from the field regarding effectiveness, ease of use, reliability, price, and much more, we definitely tend to see some brands that just keep coming to top of mind.  Smart Cuffs is definitely one of those brands and today we are going to talk about a very recent study validating the Smart Cuff Pro Generation 3 to Doppler ultrasound!

A just published study (Abbas 2022) in the predominate physician-read journal, Arthroscopy, Sports Medicine, and Rehabilitation, sought to validate the generation 3 Smart Cuffs Pro model to what is considered the gold standard for limb occlusion pressure assessment, the Doppler Ultrasound. In the study, upper and lower LOP was assessed in supine for 48 participants separated by 5 minutes. Order was randomized to reduce bias toward one approach.

Results support the use of this automatic technology to bypass the use of a Doppler ultrasound to give similar values for LOP – the standard of clinical practice. We at the BFR Pros have taught with this technology for over a year now, so it’s nice to finally get this kind of information out there. Bonus points for this being published in a primarily physician journal!Of note – anything between around 10-15 mm Hg is within the acceptable standard for clinical practice.

Source: Abbas (2022). An automated technique for the measurement of limb occlusion pressure during blood flow restriction therapy is equivalent to previous gold standard.

****Remember, the decision to use BFR, or any treatment for that matter, should be based on the pillars of evidence-based practice.

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