Three Hurdles to Blood Flow Restriction Success

In order to have a successful BFR training experience, there are 3 common hurdles that every BFR practitioner must be overcome. Without overcoming these hurdles, the confidence in appropriately integrating this tool into your practice becomes less and less, reducing the chance of long-term success both in terms of client/patient outcomes but also business revenue!


Hurdle 1 – The Science of Hypertrophy – Without understanding how muscle is built and the ingredients necessary to do so, how can one possibly articulate the benefits of BFR training and where it fits in relative to normal training?


Hurdle 2 – The Traffic Lights (Safety Screening) – Understanding that BFR training is not for everyone, as some people may display larger than normal responses to this form of training. Screening is a crucial process! Likewise, understanding ways to alter BFR training to reduce the magnitudes of these responses can also be useful.


Hurdle 3 – Effective Communication – Without the knowledge and confidence gained in overcoming the prior 2 hurdles, it is near impossible to communicate in laymen’s terms the benefits of BFR to a client/patient or the in-depth science to a potential referral source.


How can we successfully overcome these hurdles and bring BFR training to the masses?  Be sure to check out Nick’s new publication in Frontiers titled, “Perceived Barriers to Blood Flow Restriction Training.”



Rolnick N, Kimbrell K, Cerqueira MS, Weatherford B and Brandner C (2021) Perceived Barriers to Blood Flow Restriction Training. Front. Rehabilit. Sci. 2:697082. doi: 10.3389/fresc.2021.697082

 Are you ready to meet the growing demand as a Confident BFR Provider?

Be sure to check out our engaging 4-hour On Demand On-Line BFR Training course right HERE

Our course is for both Rehab and Fitness professionals and will provide everything you will need to overcome the three hurdles for successful BFR Training and help guide you to become a Confident Successful BFR Provider!


Four Evidence-Based Reasons To Include BFR Training In Your Program


Top 10 Benefits of Blood Flow Restriction Training