Mathias Thoelen,
Sports Physical Therapist
Mathias Thoelen is a Belgian Sports Physical Therapist working in The Netherlands at Anna TopSupport Eindhoven. He works daily with Sports Doctors and Orthopedic Surgeons regarding the conservative and post operative rehabilitation of athletes of all levels, from recreation to elite athletes. Mathias is responsible for on-field rehabilitation and is screening athletes with acute traumas.
Mathias graduated cum laude from Hasselt University in 2020 with a Bachelor’s and Master’s of Science in Rehabilitation Sciences & Sports Physical Therapy. He regularly attends new courses to be able to continue offering the most optimal and evidence-based care.
Since his youth, he has always had an interest in sports and wanted to turn his hobbies into his profession. Mathias loves to go outside his comfort zone and is challenging himself every single day. He always surrounds himself with people who are better at their craft, to achieve the best version of himself someday.
Mathias currently teaches BFR Workshops in Belgium and The Netherlands for the BFR Pros. His ambition is to make Blood Flow Restriction Training great in Europe by providing evidence-based workshops about the safe and objective application of BFRT in different populations. In addition, he is engaged in research on training with BFR in post operative patients.